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Print data sheetProperties for residential development

Sites and buildings for residential development




Sites and buildings for residential development in Budapest.
Pleas ask for offer.


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Print data sheetI. district, Budapest, Pauler u

For clinic, residential or hotel development.


Price: 1.600.000,- EUR + VAT


The property is located in the in Buda side, in the 1. district, by the foot of the Buda Castle, between Attila road and Krisztina blv. In the neighbourhood are office buildings, residential houses, caffees and restarants (Déryné).

Plot size: 645 m2

Existing old building: 1.306 m2
Current use: rented office

The planned residential project:

Planes for 13 apartments with 12 parking places and wellnes centre.

Renewing of the front trakt and extension with another 2 levels, built in of the cortyard wing.

Gross building size: 1.858 m2
Avarage flat size: 80 sqm
Useable flat area for sale: 1.149 sqm
Terace/balkony: 126 sqm
Privatgarden: 230 sqm


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Real estate for development:


Residential park and apartment house

Office building


Industrial property

Commercial plot

Other properties


Yield properties for investment:


Rented warehouse, office building and commercial property



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