magyar - english

Our Partners:

Hotel consultants
Hotel developers
Hotel operators
international and hungarian lawyer offices
international and hungarian reals estate brokers
investment fonds
logistic developers
office developers
residential developers
shopping centre developers
supermarket developers

Our services:


free registration in the databank


individual needs assessment, acquiring the right property on the right location


search of the  appropriate developers and financing companies according to your requirements


business negotiations in English and German


providing legal representation at the conclusion of the contract and the establishment of companies against extra fee if needed


continuous co-operation with partner offices in order to provide a wide variety of optimal offers.


GrandEst Ingatlanforgalmazási és Befektetési Tanácsadó Kft.

Tel.: +36 (1) 274 4540 | Fax.: +36 (1) 275 5299 | Mobil: +36 (30) 990 2780 | E-mail:

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