magyar - english
Our References:
Mediation of hotel operators
Hotel Berlin and Hotel Frankfurt
Properties for company headquarter
Bihari, Balassa és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Budapest, Pasaréti út
Budapest, 13. district, Véső út 92.-Váci út
Műszertechnika Holding - Róna u.
Properties for Hotel development
4Star hotel development in Lázár utca
4Star Hotel in 5. Budapest, Kossuth Lajos u. ex Úttörő departementstore
4Star Hotel Novotel Budapest Danube
74 rooms butique-hotel in Podmaniczky u.
Properties for residential development
6. district, Budapest, Ó utca - residential house
Budapest, 9. Soroksári út - ex Gizella Mill
Citizen residential park - 13. district Budapest
Palota Liget residential park - 15. distr. Budapest
Sas utca 24. - residential house development
Zöldváros residential park - Budapest, Zugló
Properties for shopping center development
Pécs Plaza
Shopping City M3 - 15. distr. Budapest
Új-Buda Center, 11. distr. Budapest
Rent of warehouses
Cardex - 3. district Bécsi út
Hangtár - 3. district, Bécsi út
S-Model warehouse in Nádorfejérvári út
Rented warehouses
18.,23. and 20. district, DP-Holding portfolio
19. district Budapest, Méta Centrum
Illatos út - Linde
Műszertechnika - Szállás utca
Our services:
free registration in the databank
individual needs assessment, acquiring the right property on the right location
search of the appropriate developers and financing companies according to your requirements
business negotiations in English and German
providing legal representation at the conclusion of the contract and the establishment of companies against extra fee if needed
continuous co-operation with partner offices in order to provide a wide variety of optimal offers.